Everyday Theologian

Everyday Theologian

3 Episodes

This masterclass-style series will bring you expert insight on theological topics. Season 1 will have 9 lessons by Paul Twiss on how to study the Bible. For more information about in-depth courses about the Bible, visit Grace Equip at Grace Community Church: https://www.gracechurch.org/equip

Everyday Theologian
  • Introduction - S1:E1 - Everyday Theologian

    Episode 1

    Paul Twiss provides a brief overview of what will be covered in this season of Everyday Theologian: How to Study the Bible. For more information about in-depth courses about the Bible, visit Grace Equip of Grace Community Church: https://www.gracechurch.org/equip

  • Basic Hermeneutics - S1:E2 - Everyday Theologian

    Episode 2

    Paul Twiss covers the basics when it comes to hermeneutics and how to use it to better study your Bible. For more information about in-depth courses about the Bible, visit Grace Equip of Grace Community Church: https://www.gracechurch.org/equip

  • Storyline of the Bible: The Pentateuch - S1:E3 - Everyday Theologian

    Episode 3

    Paul Twiss covers the Pentateuch in the Storyline of the Bible part 1. For more information about in-depth courses about the Bible, visit Grace Equip of Grace Community Church: https://www.gracechurch.org/equip